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Tel. +33(0)5 45 20 51 51 // OMIA ZI n°3 - 66 avenue Maryse Bastié 16340 L’ISLE d’ESPAGNAC - France

Cabine VS Omia

- VS // Spray booth  -


  • Equipment for the liquid painting of parts, all dimensions, all industrial sectors.


  • VS spray booth
  • Liquid paint spray booth - vertical ventilation
  • Ventilation principle adapted to suit the type of parts
  • Extracted air filtration adapted to suit the applied product quantities (dry or wet method)
  • Heated by all types of energy
  • Combined spray booth (application/drying)


  • Modular and customisable
  • Operator safety
  • Eco responsible: treatment of effluents, solutions to reduce energy consumption, containment of pollutants.
  • Integration of handling equipment


NF EN 16 985 spray booths for spraying organic coating products.
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC depending on the equipment
Directive on VOCs 2004/42/EC amending and replacing Directive 1999/13/EC of 11 March 1999 (reducing solvent emissions) applicable on 01 January 2007

qualite omia Doc VS spray booth